Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, May 14, 2016

ishael michael

some new stuff that I thought about from the person or past life called ishaewl michael.

monatomic gold; the effects are not toxic as you think then the energy creates, this is where the psionic effect occurs including levitation. so I noticed the people of the area are aware, just as they help where they are used monotomic gold dust use. your use is monotomic gold, think this works then this does. the use of hot water or hot temperature is to shift you, to use cold water or cold temperature creates slenderness. this is noted in some area I listened to with a shape that I worked with, was near or talked to by feel. so all I need to do is energy use by some area feel or area feel is use of water, this is with salt and some sugar or substitute sugar blended with magnets taped to the sides.

that is the ideal substitute to monotomic gold. so btw I think this will work well by walking around. however if you think to tighten a belt around your waist, then you know the weight might increase till untightened. so think this as a note or area feel that is water or I must use muscle relaxants to create slenderness by use as the water magnetized with vanilla extract added to this as it is a little salt. I think this means war is over, then you know I could act a king of atlantis or a prince to taken pose. This is impressive if things will work out by feel.

so btw I think this will then work well by walking around so the heat doesn't effect me. when the substance is taken in enough then the energy is weird, as you seem to gain or lose weight very easily by body heat. that means you possibly took too much, then you know the area effect is the use however. if you think to tighten a belt around your waist, then you know the weight might increase till untightened.

so think this as a note or area feel that is water or I must use muscle relaxants to create slenderness by use as the water magnetized with vanilla extract added to this as it is a little salt. I think this means war is over, then you know I could act a king of atleantis or a prince to taken pose. This is impressive if things will work out by feel.

the building; the building is a place that is special to the ideal that is touch or based by view to use. the building is really old and could collapse any minute though. So the building is closed. If you enter think the time that you want to see then, the energy conscious that isn't conscious will create what you want. If you want the effect to fade away, think the illusion ends.

the mono effect; the monolithic effect is over the ideal is done were done by now. as with life you are aware that the energy is what sustains, however not with monotomic gold. that actually allows the brain to work despite the fluoride. so I think I found a cure to cancer or the fluoride effect that I use monotomic gold to cancel it out is amazing. however the apple cider vinegar or vinegar mixed with the baking soda creates an effective cure all mixed with sweet water. that is water mixed with tea mixed with substitute sugar. that is the point so that is the point till you think or feel to not use this.

the mono; the mononucleosis is gone with saint john's wort, all though I think it has a slight side effect so I can go back now. I think I can work with confidence with anyone now. so I might as well be a worker of some sort, since I am good at a skill of trade or will learn a skill or trade. at least I think this is through I will return.

sick; sick no more the problem is gone, I will say this now "the problem was with a solution or is just a situation nothing more than that."

seen; seen is the result, I am thin and sugar effects me strangely. so I will forebear the sugar use. that is all to this log I kept, so I will keep doing this till I am sure I am well. so I am gone somewhere else by the effect of leaving open a container in a freezer, that allows you to feel non hungry with less needs.

I kept ketchup use to keep the creepers effect off of me, so I think that I am sure now to the use that I do. I am glad they have monatomic gold on the market. Otherwise I would not have gotten this effect. seeya around, cious is the keyword that is this log that runs through your brain if you say it. so ciou for the attempt is to work things out. ciou till I wake up, 54321.

free; I am free, so now I will become a friend or worker that I promised him that I would. all I have to do is walk out the door then thinking with time will rearrange themselves to create a better feel. that is all by thought, see ya later so I will ciou now and bow out as it is em I am um am empath. So I think, this is so I know by now what is used. now I will do my normal routine.

the power; the power is energy of the area that is electricity. maybe I can use this to shift easy as to go away with this ideal, so I don't forget the ideal point that is there.

bioenergy; the energy is the body energy, that is energy of life that exists somewhere that I seem to think is there. if you compile this then combine the bioenergy with the area power, then you could do anything. so I think to see somewhere or shift someplace then, if the power goes out I shifted away. that is all I need to do, thinking or feeling to shift away by feel.

the radon transmission; this is radon in small traces that you can call monotomic gold. think to be near yet not too near to be healed of anything.

the radio transmission; this is by feel the radio tree transmission, that you think to listen then think of where you want to go then the electromagnetic energy surges then your there.

by feel; the feel is the thing that is right by what is there or here or anywhere you think to observe. so I think this means the ideal is where you think this is. so think the area then think the idea to express then, if you are expressing things or where they are heard they are where you might appear.

get free; some places by things can treat you well or trap you if thought by feel in an area. so this is with use as a spirit trap, that you can use things to create things so you are aware by things that exist. think your free then you are, so as though area energy surges to shift your conscious mind back to your body.

so you see; I don't belong here as I arrived by ormus for now, the water with salt thats magnetized then as it is blended. so I will take my leave. ciou.

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