Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

post point

An interesting posting I thought:

The crucial time is now dawning where many shifts in consciousness will occur and events unfold that will greatly challenge individuals as well as groups and entire nations. There has been and will be changes and shifts on the personal level as well as the collective level. It is crucial and important not to be completely entrapped in fear, doubt, and confusion. It is important to have clarity of mind and thought, and to set the intention that one will make it through these difficult times. They are the times of upheaval around the ending of what no longer makes sense concerning the Divine, that which is the completion and conclusion of the experiment into dualism into singular.

There is a need now for those two factors or forces that have participated in dualism to create separate unities, to experience a oneness of thought, feelings, mind and emotion. Therefore, in a manner of speaking, what Ascension is all about is the ending of the Dark versus the Light, the night versus the day, the right versus the wrong coming to conclusion. At this moment there exists an attitude that all have both good and bad within them and this is somewhat true.

There have often been representations, often cartoon animations for example, that see a character with a little white angel popping up on one shoulder and the reddish devil with its trident popping up on the other shoulder, and a battle taking place between the forces of good expressed by the angel and the dark forces expressed by the devil. While this is comical in its representation it also reflects the truth of dualistic thinking and a dualistic universe. There are the two forces that oppose: the angelic beings and the devilish beings, the Light versus the Dark. God, of course, the Essence of Divine Consciousness, the Prime Source, asked for this to be so, and requested those beings that were angelic in nature, cherubim beings of the highest angelic order, to partake in this experience and this experiment. The cherubim forces became later known as the Luciferian forces or the Fallen Angels.

The energy of consciousness that was Lucifer, the head of the angelic forces has returned back to God Unity, so that a flow of those who volunteered, who had answered the call of God to be leaders of the Dark Forces can begin. The return has already commenced and many who answered this call of the high angelic beings, those called the cherubim have now commenced to return back after their leader Lucifer returned. What this means is that the experiment is complete and done, and they stepping back into the Light of God, leaving behind the planet of dualistic thinking that was created to experience the experiment of the dark ones in charge more than those of Light. Even the shifting of consciousness of those who have played in the darkness for so long is occurring and is tipping the balance toward the Ascension experience with the spiritual realization that all souls will eventually return home, even those that have played in the dark for eons.

But what must be understood is that while those who are known as the Fallen Angels are now starting to return back to the Godhead, there are many remaining on this plane of existence that still hold to separation from the Godhead as the best way of being; who maintain that living in darkness, in evil, and in corruption is better than being good.

For many, the nature of Ascension has been a singular experience of an individual. The extraterrestrial planets that form the Galactic Federation have largely populaces that have experienced Ascension and come from higher awareness. Thus, they are here to assist at this time as the fledgling planet known as Earth is about to go through her first planetary Ascension, but even to them the scope of this event is staggering. In their own histories there have been those who have reached Ascension and have been successful in teaching others the path of Ascension and the planet moved forward in this manner, but this is a unique event, this Mass Ascension, for many will pass through this experience simultaneously versus being taught and guided by those handful of Ascended Ones who come back to teach those who are left that they are Ascended Beings and that they are Spiritual Beings.

It is simply a different way of doing it that has intrigued many from different dimensions and different realms of this space/time continuum. Ultimately each and every life is valuable, even those who do not believe in Ascension or the evolution of the soul; their lives as skeptics provide a valuable experience that is brought back to the soul and ultimately back to God. Even those experiences in the dark where one has committed oneself to the pursuit of evil action separated from the Essence of God are valuable to the soul when the aspect having the experience finally returns.

You are part of that multidimensional experience and force. You are part of the Divine and have the capacity within you that is for many, unimaginable. But God has imagined this—that which is the Divine Force, the Divine Essence of All There Is has imagined this, and you are part of Its imaginings. The angelic realms are part of Its imaginings. Even that which is known as the Fallen Angels and the demonic realms are part of Its imaginings. Remember this as you work with concepts such as the angelic realms, which you are part of… you are part of the imaginings of God Divine. You are therefore competent and capable of going beyond the popularized concept of Angels. You are able to go beyond the limitations of third dimensionality, and it is part of the unfolding of consciousness, the seeking for higher states of consciousness that drives you, that moves you and directs you toward such things as belief in Angels as an expression of a Higher Force.

Now, if you personalize this and bring it into your own personal realm, you will find true miracles lying within, and you will be capable of the most amazing things. This is what humanity is moving toward, but it is not what most have at this time. Believe in Angels if you will, for they have validity, but always believe first in your Self as a Divine Expression of the God Force seeking to know Itself, seeking to open up to the many levels of wonder and magic and mystery that exist, and even the areas of contention, doubt and confusion that are meant to derail and sidetrack; even these have a purpose and have lessons that can be learned from. The angelic realm is an important part of this, but it is not the only part.

The angelic realm, as it is now seen, which has been subject to the energizing beliefs sustained for so long is at this time, a true level of consciousness that does intercede into the affairs of humanity. It is now possible to call upon the Archangel Michael or Raphael, Gabriel, and all the other archangels; the Seraphim and the angels themselves.

The concept of the angels is something that would address what is called the High Self, so that each person would seem to have a Guardian Angel, which of course expresses the High Self. This again shows the validity of the concept of angels. If everyone understands that your High Self is the same as your Guardian Angel or vice versa, your Guardian Angel is your High Self, then it is possible for you to have a personal experience of an angel and thus tie in to the angelic realm. It is a very real realm of consciousness and is accessible to those who would work with angels and choose to connect to the angelic realm.
~Cosmic Awareness

*Note: I have long suspected that our Higher Self and our guardian angel are one and the same due to the many dreams I have interpreted. Warning dreams, health dreams and prophetic dreams, all meant to protect and enlighten us. Moreover if you care, our intuitive faculties—now becoming stronger—also serve the same purpose. This was the point off a post. Ciou till tomorrow.

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