Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, August 15, 2015

returning to life

You can use anything within this blog. these are things to work with. think or feel then is easy, think you are aware or feel as you are creating then your done. then you could relve the memory or no longer bother the dead with your thoughts. i think this proves my point. so enjoy your day. this i think is my last entry for the day, these are the people then this is the recreation by area cells or activity.

This allows you to work with others not to bother those you consider. think what your life is like then work by feel. this allows energy work with tai chi or energy disruption i think by directed death essence or cell activity. so i will leave this alone until necessary on or off location. this i think is the ideal you know at the end if you concentrate then work. thats what my dad taught me so i think, this was area energy that i used to figure this out.

Think then use ideal, thinking the use you focus energy beneath the feet then do. this is what you think to work or useful to create what you consider. some think to use then get ideal. so writers block disappears. so no then think things are better then think I can so you are able to "work as you make, stop, assume to go" or go as your aware you create to work. as you say you can stop people, stop by people or work with them.

If you think the point or you create ending ideal. i claim this is a dog because the area is heard as such. think this out ahead see or no then you are aware to do what is necessary so less is better. this is a as a sphinx or accursed dog human were that only attacks, as it appears think this thought to the animal that appears. so if you disappear or dog that is only spirit.

i think this is spirit reading, if dead or a spirit used to detail is usual by feel or thinking. if you create with what you think by thinking as you want you are with what you consider used. i think something appropriate is use of humanlike ideal with things you work with or innovate by feel. usual feel is something you consider. see this is nothing more than that.

qigong and tai chi?
 heh the symbolisms of qigong almost nothing of tai chi. except tai chi is energy by blood flow or area activity by martial arts. focus then you create falling or standing by aura manipulation. this is what eats as an ideal this is energy particle that eats you or saves you from withering within or not if you work with the creator energy. returning to life is the ideal you think the creator does.

don't kill yourself with this or you act an arcadian fish is their language. i think getting away is walking. so think as you want as to remain human. see i think that is what i saw when i see with the dead bones sight that was with a dead animal. what i see now is the need to improve financially. there is no abuse so think to work.

 ghost apeasingii II: think to appease a ghost then you do or as you think to work with the ghost you do or the ghost disappears as you think it disappears, then eat something or drink something as the ghost shares your energy this appeases the ghost as you eat or drink. then think as your aware to create as then you are aware by feel. then don't eat after drinking or eating high fructose. other food or drink anyway seen is after that you don't have to eat or drink by area experience. other food or drink you can make or work for creating by the area then the ghost is absorbed to work as you wish.

time shift two one; as i think then your free. think is movement or wait by the moving movement, wait periods are area points. thought is in memory see yes i know the pinneal i gland is what does this. just think you time things or time travel then you do or can. as you think of two places with a time. the creator can just create or begin to do things, as you end things or shift by feel by the feel you have. think then you create. i think if you think of the time you change the position to the body to shift as you focus then you shift. your aware to what is there. this is where or why happy working to the feel. this is remembered so you remind yourself by events you truly think this isn't always your ideal, for this is remembered or not thought about ideal. set is the feel you remember as though reminded or relaxed.

created ideal; i figured out you aren't a target if you are one or thinking your one. so lets hope that works as you wish.

khepser; this means that things work to the point you think not to the point you made. if you think things through you can create what you are seeing use to work with unless you think to work wity people or no need as you think the person then what you want yourself or others to be as to work with them. find or work by feel you understand or create with or no is ideal. generating is fun if to see the point or realism. this is khepser by feel your human or elven. so if you think or believe someone something they can seem like the form if necessary or they think to be alike or work as the form. they your own area ideal or not as your cool. so pepper, oregano or oregano oil, cinammon with basil can make you beserk or seem slender as you think slim to complete the khepser think by now.

generating; think to some area then if the area generates by thoughts to the consciousness then your lucky. flower is emotion, where focusing on what you want instead of the things that you don’t want uses the law of attraction. remember the law of attraction, what you focus on, where you put your mental energies is what you manifest so count your blessings not your problems, focus on what you really want. number 2 also signifies partnerships so it means your abundance could come when you team up with someone on your project instead of trying to do everything on your own. you can try this spell to accentuate abundance that is coming your way.

concession; think uses you can create the area point you concede otherwise. think the area uses then work with people. this i think is important if you drop the necessary then think to do the use. thinking the use you could say is the point you consider.

un en puerrh; sight area uses are no i believe I went enough so no if need arises as you think. i think people by the creator as something not there so you could say, "i am aware to your use or point so things are enough or less". i think this is enough to go on. the end of a nightmare is always "oe" otherwise overdose, i think this isn't allowed fun not always to do. think if you see the point.

see this; this is what I thought, sometimes in as much i think i see so this will do or seem away. their is no more use here as enjoyment then annoyance you prove invaluable to someone else then you leave. this is where you are so you win by war but use peace by use, i think with uses you think or no longer so thats when i left. this I think is then to create with what you consider by feel or ideal.

voodoo; if you see it or imagine it then you can create things or ideal you think. if you think about this the ideal won't always make sense as there is thinking about energy unless you do things well then you understand. this is voodoo's daughter hand. so this i think, you can create or think balance to create as your understood with spirit or soul. no if need arises.

am en do; seeing is believing noone wants to do it no need to fight so en unwipe.

psi group work; no attack necessary is work as necessary as you want if you work as you are so you await, think or do.

won away; the one touch kill by focus you think what you want to happen or seem known, then touch so you feel you win by ideal so you walk away after as you create a way out with the point as you think because you can see the point.

in ae; use is work creationism is feel think the use or use is over. ain't i in agony enough? well or not you are so think the creator soothes pain to allow numbness an again. this is to use for getting back from a place you teleport to, seeing if your not stuff or stuck.

as im reibi; use is usage by the focus that you shift with the creator to some place or time thats all you get so you know. this is energy feel the creator allowed you to remember.

ce re; no rebirth: or no rebirth as you see the need so sometimes instant fights with weight loss by area. you don't have to name the number. disintegration is possible is council if you focus energy by area heat with the cold area the body is to turn to dust as your in rebirth.

regain youth; gain the youth or youthful feel by the feel or no longer do you have the use.

im re be; immediate reuse creator: if immediate use is enough you create by the feel or see reason to create out or work magic or not use

done as bomb; done in or not the bombing goes off then no more worry except public area with destructive bomb.

im ge; immediate use of the broadcasting unit or area where you sense to some point nor again.

imri impri; create by area uses to improve by the ideal you are capable to sense. some smell like the ideal they think. they that improve or not, tend to improve by the area they work with. some negative or positive feel is by compliments with the ideal you sense to improvise with the point you know.

improve; if yout think there is very little difference between improvement by what you improve by. so enjoy your day to work by the ideal.

improvement; this is improvement by the ideal you think only to work.

shift away; your creating by the creator or the creator allows, are you see to shift as you think or stop by reminescing.

done working; your done for the point so you rest the time away with a good spot you choose.

creator working; work with the creator to see the enn or end point to create with a point.

girl hunting; think the woman you know likes you then leave her alone as you think or have her work with you.

shift return; the creator shifts you back as this is whether or not heaven not hell if not you.

this is the last mention of the place i see or no longer work with. i think it mentions things you think to create with by the area you work. time to go see a new place.

tims shift; as i think then your free. think is movement or wait by the moving movement, wait periods are area points. thought is in memory see yes i know the pinneal i gland is what does this. just think you time things or time travel then you do or can. as you think of two places with a time. the creator can just create or begin to do things, as you end things or shift by feel by the feel you have. think then you create. seeing the point you think then your aware that your focus creates, the body is what created the effect or effected by feel.

i think if you think of the before or after time you change the position to the body to shift as you focus then you shift. your aware to what is there. this is where or why happy working to the feel. this is remembered so you remind yourself by events you truly think this isn't always your ideal, for this is remembered or not thought about ideal. set is the feel think as you remember  this is not always real as though your reminded. then your returned or coming to live by the body relaxing to release the point.

i think then i know what i think is with concept for ideal is theory by what you feel or do. that is the point behind manic hunting you hunt the manic then the manic ceases to be a manic or you can see the dead land. so if you keep there or nothing occurs that means you can leave. see this is when i wasn't talking to you i talked to the area or work. so even if you are aware or remember you can start again if you want to sometimes using the memory of the past. i am here or where i think to teleport to en see by feel.

so to see a star is no longer necessary, so i see this by feel is used as i solved it within one minute. as you think to see someplace you are sometimes there with similar items. but how do you get similar items if you can't find them, as you remember them the items are restructured by the body. thats how this works within a cardboard place, how this works with other area is you think then the energy is what creates the third eyelet creation. the item is what you consider. I think now is a good time or area feel is sometimes worse with the area you teleport by feel.

don't buy the bronchitus line as your never sick. buy the object to work with the item right off him. this was proven to work effecient by use efforts in german times so you don't run into people. i think the point you know is the point you know to realize.

remedits imedits; what do you do what do you see? this is the ancient time lord as you see him not as he was dead. what he died from was a miner saving that didn't save him here as he was suffocating in the air he was deaed by ammonia gas. so don't do more discoveries on the ancient time vessel my brother that lived is dead. so deadpoling is the result as you want to get off things can get worse. i think this means war is over think in use to use what you came for to get away then no longer bother people. i think this is what i saw there so i was aware the area time shift was over to the west that i saw then noticed was things gone. this was some other time shifter that shifted me away.

i think if you look at that statement carefully, seen or not enter so you can see or detect to work with the point you detect as a truth or area feel. the area feel is what details what you think to see where you wish to work with by nothing to get. i think to get my things so this is what you consider a cool point. not always possible. thinking will get you things if you think to get things by feel.

the time i live is without sunlight so i think this means the area is what you consider by a point if you lift your hand. you will see what is there as though some inner light cast by rubbed hair. this usually reflects itself by the eye glow. so you see the area point think then point to see the way you think is there. if any sex is there you would then i think not feel by what or where you would sense the feel later. so this actually means things work if you consider the area.

For any that abuse are what you think to use or no use is no effect, think the abuse goes back to the abuser to nail him or her self by vicious or abuse to your abuser. As nothing is the area your area is not really viewed this is the curse, I place on those that abuse to die from. I think I see or use was useless except to talk things out unless they cease to abuse then stop to work by feel with the other idea you see. Seen no abuse otherwise. So don't abuse is stopping so you aren't with abuse yourself. Work as you want, otherwise not there.

There really isn't any reason for abuse. So you see think and in no attack or out no the attack is no attack by the the creator protecting you or others with yourself not attacking your own body. This is " ne abuse", that is not to see or feel. Thats do genius though for telekinetics where you are is the object is where you think. I think this is a way to gain wealth.

"1 think non pounds or pounds if english by $ or no more no less now its set there you see? There you go by feel. This doesn't have to be there. I mean the body living forever or not forever as you think its necessary. This means the source of all money is not corruption. This is the creator that creates what you wish or think, so if things are corrupt by use you can clean it up this is then or now. Think to you then so it is or isn't according to what you think. Fine then its of the use by the feeling you think to yourself." Written by the feel you have with life. Spelly

"so if you keep there or nothing occurs that means you can leave. wasn't talking to you. even if you are aware or remember you can start again if you want to sometimes using the memory of the past. i am here or where i think to teleport to en see by feel. so i see this by feel is used as i solved it within one minute as you think to see someplace you are sometimes there with similar items. but how do you get similar items if you can't find them, as you remember them the items are restructured by the body. thats how this works within a cardboard place, how this works with other area is you think then the energy is what creates the third eyelet creation. the item is what you consider. I think now is a good time or area feel is sometimes worse with the area you can think by feel. think to use your feel for something else, staying alive and leaving me, this blog, my son alone. thanks." Written by d with some past last life.

"don't buy the bronchitus line as your never sick. buy the object to work with the item right off him. this was proven to work effecient use by thinking no use your there by efforts in german times so you don't run into people. i think the point you know is the point you know to realize. avoid the german ideal as they were actyan ally or only liked death or some insanity." -shelly long

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